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"On the surface, the level design and textures aren't all that complex compared to other PC shooters. The level design features lots of sharp angles, and they give the levels a somewhat generic look and feel. Meanwhile, objects have a chunky look to them, and some of the character models look more like plastic dolls than human beings. But what F.E.A.R. lacks in high polygon counts, it more than makes up for with astounding particle effects, as well as an excellent lighting and shadowing model to set the mood. All this comes at a high price, though, as the game can tax a cutting-edge system. We played the game on a fairly high-end system, as well as an older system equipped with a two-year-old video card. On the high-end system, the frame rate dropped at times, and there were moments of stuttering as the game tried to load the next part of the level in midgame. Meanwhile, we had to tone down the visual settings to "medium" to get the game to run smoothly on the older system, and the game lost some of its atmospheric creepiness due to the reduced lighting and shadowing effects, as well as the blander textures. The good news, at least, is that F.E.A.R. ran solidly without a single crash, which is impressive for such a technically complex game." Gamespot.